Articles by Nicholas Berdyaev
Chronological Coding by Year of Initial Publication, and T. Klepinina Assigned #)
1904-110 (3) A. S. Khomyakov as Philosopher (Centennial of Birth)
1905-115 (3) The Catechesis of Marxism
1905-118 (3) Culture and Politics. Philosophy of Modern Russian History
1905-120 (3) K. Leont'ev - Philosopher of a Reactionary Romanticism
1906-xxx Capital Punishment and Killing
1906-126 (3) The History and the Psychology of Russian Marxism
1906-130 (3) Concerning the Will of the People
1907-131 (4) Russian God-Seekers
1907-135 (4) Nihilism on a Religious Soil
1907-138 (4) Decadentism and Mystical Realism
1908-149 (4) Christ and the World (Reply to V. V. Rozanov)
1908-151 (4) Catholic Modernism and the Crisis of the Contemporary Consciousness
1909-157 (4) Regarding a Remarkable Book (O. Weininger)
1909-158 (4) Attempt at a Philosophical Justification of Christianity. Concerning the Book of V.
1911-053 The Problem of East and West within the Religious Consciousness of Vl. Solov'ev
1912-054 The Old and the New Testament in the Religious Consciousness of L. Tolstoy
1913-170 Concerning Earthly and Heavenly Utopianism (As Regards the Book of Prince Evgenii
Trubetskoy "The World-Concept of Vl. Solov'ev")
1914-178 (15) The Russian and the Polish Soul
1914-181 (15) The Fate of Paris
1915-07 (15) The Soul of Russia
1915-185 On the Disputes Concerning German Philosophy
1915-186 The Religion of Resusciative Resurrection (N. F. Fedorov's "The Philosophy of the
Common Task") N.B. .docfile Zipped.
1915-187 (15) Concerning the "Eternal Baba" in the Russian Soul (Rozanov)
1915-189 Nietzsche and the Modern Germany
1915-192 Deadening Tradition (Vyach. Ivanov)
1915-195 (15) The End of Europe
1915-197 (15) Thoughts about the Nature of War
1915-201 (15) War and the Crisis of the Intelligentsia Consciousness
1915-202 (15) Slavophilism and the Slavic Idea
1915-203 Society and the Ruling Powers
1915-204 The Prophecies of N F Fedorov Concerning the War
1915-205 (15) On the Abstract and the Absolute in Politics
1915-206 (15) Words and Reality in Societal Life
1915-218 (15) The Tasks of Creative Historical Thought
1915-xxx Concerning the Spirit of Despondency
1916-221 On the Prestige of Holding Power
1916-225 Power and Coercive Violence
1916-233 (14) An Astral Novel: A. Bely's "Peterburg"
1916-234 The Apotheosis of Russian Lethargy (Rozanov)
1916-235 (15) The Cosmic and the Sociological World-Sense
1916-240 The Church Question in Russia
1916-244 The New Religious Consciousness and History
1916-248 An Account about Heavenly an Origin. (A. N. Schmidt)
1916-252a Spiritual Christianity and Sectarianism in Russia
1916-252b Theosophy and Anthroposophy in Russia
1917-254 The Strength of Russia
1917-256 (15) Concerning the Relationship of Russians towards Ideas
1917-257 Khomyakov and Fr. Florensky
1917-258 Theocratic Illusions and Religious Creativity (Kartashev)
1917-259 The Psychology of a Survivable Moment
1917-263 The Position of Russia in the World
1917-264 Power and Responsibility
1917-266 About Bourgeoisness and Socialism
1917-269 Truth and Lie in Societal Life
1917-275 The Religious Foundations of Bolshevism
1917-277 The German Influences and Slavism
1917-278 The Free Church and the Sobor
1917-279 Patriotism and Politics
1917-280 The Ruin of Russian Illusions
1917-281 Concerning Freedom and the Integrity of the Word
1917-284 Has There Been in Russia a Revolution?
1917-286 The Germanisation of Russia
1918-292 The Power and Psychology of the Intelligentsia*
1918-294 The Revelation about Man in the Creativity of Dostoevsky
1918-296 Russia and Great Russia
1918-297 The Recuperation of Russia
1918-057/299 Spirits of the Russian Revolution (Gogol, Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy)
1922-059 The Pre-Death Thoughts of Faust (O. Spengler)
1922-17-60.1 The End of the Renaissance
1923-060.2 The "Living Church" and the Religious Rebirth of Russia
1923-060.3 Murky Figures (Reminiscences of A. Bely concerning A. Blok)
1924-301 The Jewish Question, as a Christian Question
1925-302 Spiritual Tasks of the Russian Emigration. ("From the Editor" Preface to Journal Put')
1925-303 The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Caesar
1925-307 The Idea of God-manhood in Vl. Solov'ev (On Occasion of 25 Years from Day of Death)
1926-308 Salvation and Creativity
1926-312 The Nightmare of an Evil Good (I Ilyin's book "Resistance to Evil by Force")
1926-316 BookReview: New Books about Jacob Boehme
1927-318 The Scientific Discipline of Religion and Christian Apologetics
1927-321 A Consideration Concerning Theodicy
1927-323 A Conference in Austria
1927-xxx BookReview: "Death-Idolatry" (N. Fedorov theme)
1928-329 The Metaphysical Problem of Freedom
1928-333 Three Jubilees: L. Tolstoy, H. Ibsen, N. Fedorov
1929-343 BookReview: Concerning Sophiology (Bulgakov)
1930-345 Character of Russian Religious Thought of XIX Century
1929-346 The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge (L. Shestov. On the Scales of Job. A Peripateia
of Souls.)
1929-347 BookReview: A New Book about J. Boehme (A. Koyre)
1929-348 BookReview: A. Gornostaev: "Paradise on Earth" ( Fedorov theme)
1930-349 Boehme: Etude I: the Ungrund and Freedom
1930-351 Boehme: Etude II: Sophia and the Androgyne; Boehme and the Russian Sophiological
1930-352 In Memory of Prince G. N. Trubetskoy
1930-353 East and West (Lecture)
1931-358 In Defense of A. Blok
1932-377 The Spiritual Condition of the Contemporary World
1932-378 Garrigou-Lagrange, OP. La Providence et la confience en Dieu
1932-379 The Two Concepts of Christianity
1933-385 BookReview: Martin Buber. Die Chassidischen Buecher; Ich und Du; Zwiespreche;
1934-391 Polytheism and Nationalism
1934-392 Knowledge and Communion (N. N. Alekseev)
1935-397 On Christian Pessimism and Optimism (Chetverikov)
1935-400 Personalism and Marxism
1935-401 Further on Christian Pessimism and Optimism (Chetverikov)
1935-404 The Spirit of the Grand Inquisitor. (Regarding Ukaz of Met. Sergei condemning the
Theological Views of Fr. S. Bulgakov)
1936-408 The Problem of Man. (Towards the Construction of a Christian Anthropology)
1936-409 Concerning Authority, Freedom and Humanness (V. Lossky / Chetverikov)
1936-410 Lev Shestov: On Occasion of His 70th Year
1936-411 In Memory of Georgii Ivanovich Chelpanov
1936-419 Lev Shestov and Kierkegaard
1937-424 Ortodoksia and Humanness (G. Florovsky: The Ways of Russian Theology)
1937-426 In Memory of Andrei Fedorovich Karpov
1937-430 Concerning Fanaticism, Orthodoxy and Truth
1938-435 Jean Grenier, Essai sur l'esprit d' orthodoxie. Gallimard
1938-439 Fundamental Idea of Philosophy of Lev Shestov
1939-441 Does There Exist Freedom of Thought and Conscience in Orthodoxy
1939-442 In Memory of Pope Pius XI
1939-446 S. L. Frank: "The Unfathomable" (Nepostizhimoe")
1939-xxx The Paradox of the Lie
1945-454 In Memory of Romain Rolland
1949-478b Political Testament (.pdf format)
1952|1937-476 My Philosophic World-Outlook
Other Translations forthcoming at
Online Index of Works by Berdyaev (Fr. Stephen J. Janos at]
An index of over 350 items on various aspects of Russian Religious Philosophy in
English, Russian and German.
Other Essays and Articles in English by and about Berdyaev at Dirk Kelder's Site
Still More Essays and Articles about Berdyaev at Dirk Kelder's Site
Other Russian Religio-Philosophic Thinkers Translations Online
By far the largest collection of Berdyaev articles in translation can be found at Fr. Stephen Janos' excellent site,